Complete hard surface
SKU : 673715
Hard surface, B-BAK PIN for patient transport.
Conformities :
- CE selon DIR 93/42/CEE

Non-contractual photos
Product Description
The hard surface, B-BAK PIN, has been designed to reduce a possibility of contamination while the transportation of a patient.
- Material: HDPE
- Color : yellow
- Radio-transparent/radio compatible
- Equipped with:
- Integrated system for immobilization belts fixation
- 14 handles
- Application temperature : from -10 to +50°c
- Capacity : 180 kg
Dimensions (L x l x h) : 405 x 45 x 1850 mm
Weight : 6,2kg
Benefits of the product
- rigidity
- lightness
- impact and corrosion resistance
- total impermeability
- non-absorbance
- infiltration immunity
- easy cleaning (water and soap are enough)
- total radio-compatibility (the patient can be removed from the hard surface even after RX or TAC examinations)